Saturday, February 21, 2009


X Blame

Y Forgive

Happy = Forgive...

Forgive = would be angry

Little things are indeed little, but to be faithful in little things is a great thing.

If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.

Mother Teresa 2

Mother Teresa

Quotes of Mother Teresa
"Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy – let us pray."
"I once picked up a woman from a garbage dump and she was burning with fever; she was in her last days and her only lament was: ‘My son did this to me.’ I begged her: You must forgive your son. In a moment of madness, when he was not himself, he did a thing he regrets. Be a mother to him, forgive him. It took me a long time to make her say: ‘I forgive my son.’ Just before she died in my arms, she was able to say that with a real forgiveness. She was not concerned that she was dying. The breaking of the heart was that her son did not want her. This is something you and I can understand."
"When once a chairman of a multinational company came to see me, to offer me a property in Bombay, he first asked: ‘Mother, how do you manage your budget?" I asked him who had sent him here. He replied: ‘I felt an urge inside me.’ I said: other people like you come to see me and say the same. It was clear God sent you, Mr. A, as He sends Mr. X, Mrs. Y, Miss Z, and they provide the material means we need for our work. The grace of God is what moved you. You are my budget. God sees to our needs, as Jesus promised. I accepted the property he gave and named it Asha Dan (Gift of Hope).
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."
"Like Jesus we belong to the world living not for ourselves but for others. The joy of the Lord is our strength."
"There is only one God and He is God to all; therefore it is important that everyone is seen as equal before God. I’ve always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic. We believe our work should be our example to people. We have among us 475 souls - 30 families are Catholics and the rest are all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs—all different religions. But they all come to our prayers."
"There are so many religions and each one has its different ways of following God. I follow Christ:Jesus is my God,Jesus is my Spouse,Jesus is my Life,Jesus is my only Love,Jesus is my All in All;Jesus is my Everything."
Make us worthy, Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give them peace and joy.I heard the call to give up all and follow Christ into the slums to serve Him among the poorest of the poor. It was an order. I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed. You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share with our people. Suffering today is because people are hoarding, not giving, not sharing. Jesus made it very clear. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me.Give a glass of water, you give it to me. Receive a littlechild, you receive me.
Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.
If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.
A clean heart is a free heart. A free heart can love Christ with an undivided love in chastity, convinced that nothing and nobody will separate it from his love. Purity, chastity, and virginity created a special beauty in Mary that attracted God’s attention. He showed his great love for the world by giving Jesus to her.
There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them.Love them. Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.
Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness.Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don't only give your care, but give your heart as well.
The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give. But the less you have the more free you are. Poverty for us is a freedom. It is not mortification, a penance. It is joyful freedom. There is no television here, no this, no that. But we are perfectly happy.
I pray that you will understand the words of Jesus, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Ask yourself “How has he loved me? Do I really love others in the same way?” Unless this love is among us, we can kill ourselves with work and it will only be work, not love. Work without love is slavery.
Little things are indeed little, but to be faithful in little things is a great thing.
A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace.

Mother Teresa

“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus. ”Small of stature, rocklike in faith, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was entrusted with the mission of proclaiming God’s thirsting love for humanity, especially for the poorest of the poor. “God still loves the world and He sends you and me to be His love and His compassion to the poor.” She was a soul filled with the light of Christ, on fire with love for Him and burning with one desire: “to quench His thirst for love and for souls.”
This luminous messenger of God’s love was born on 26 August 1910 in Skopje, a city situated at the crossroads of Balkan history. The youngest of the children born to Nikola and Drane Bojaxhiu, she was baptised Gonxha Agnes, received her First Communion at the age of five and a half and was confirmed in November 1916. From the day of her First Holy Communion, a love for souls was within her. Her father’s sudden death when Gonxha was about eight years old left in the family in financial straits. Drane raised her children firmly and lovingly, greatly influencing her daughter’s character and vocation. Gonxha’s religious formation was further assisted by the vibrant Jesuit parish of the Sacred Heart in which she was much involved.
At the age of eighteen, moved by a desire to become a missionary, Gonxha left her home in September 1928 to join the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, known as the Sisters of Loreto, in Ireland. There she received the name Sister Mary Teresa after St. Thérèse of Lisieux. In December, she departed for India, arriving in Calcutta on 6 January 1929. After making her First Profession of Vows in May 1931, Sister Teresa was assigned to the Loreto Entally community in Calcutta and taught at St. Mary’s School for girls. On 24 May 1937, Sister Teresa made her Final Profession of Vows, becoming, as she said, the “spouse of Jesus” for “all eternity.” From that time on she was called Mother Teresa. She continued teaching at St. Mary’s and in 1944 became the school’s principal. A person of profound prayer and deep love for her religious sisters and her students, Mother Teresa’s twenty years in Loreto were filled with profound happiness. Noted for her charity, unselfishness and courage, her capacity for hard work and a natural talent for organization, she lived out her consecration to Jesus, in the midst of her companions, with fidelity and joy.
On 10 September 1946 during the train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling for her annual retreat, Mother Teresa received her “inspiration,” her “call within a call.” On that day, in a way she would never explain, Jesus’ thirst for love and for souls took hold of her heart and the desire to satiate His thirst became the driving force of her life. Over the course of the next weeks and months, by means of interior locutions and visions, Jesus revealed to her the desire of His heart for “victims of love” who would “radiate His love on souls.” “Come be My light,” He begged her. “I cannot go alone.” He revealed His pain at the neglect of the poor, His sorrow at their ignorance of Him and His longing for their love. He asked Mother Teresa to establish a religious community, Missionaries of Charity, dedicated to the service of the poorest of the poor. Nearly two years of testing and discernment passed before Mother Teresa received permission to begin. On August 17, 1948, she dressed for the first time in a white, blue-bordered sari and passed through the gates of her beloved Loreto convent to enter the world of the poor.
After a short course with the Medical Mission Sisters in Patna, Mother Teresa returned to Calcutta and found temporary lodging with the Little Sisters of the Poor. On 21 December she went for the first time to the slums. She visited families, washed the sores of some children, cared for an old man lying sick on the road and nursed a woman dying of hunger and TB. She started each day in communion with Jesus in the Eucharist and then went out, rosary in her hand, to find and serve Him in “the unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for.” After some months, she was joined, one by one, by her former students.
On 7 October 1950 the new congregation of the Missionaries of Charity was officially established in the Archdiocese of Calcutta. By the early 1960s, Mother Teresa began to send her Sisters to other parts of India. The Decree of Praise granted to the Congregation by Pope Paul VI in February 1965 encouraged her to open a house in Venezuela. It was soon followed by foundations in Rome and Tanzania and, eventually, on every continent. Starting in 1980 and continuing through the 1990s, Mother Teresa opened houses in almost all of the communist countries, including the former Soviet Union, Albania and Cuba.
In order to respond better to both the physical and spiritual needs of the poor, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity Brothers in 1963, in 1976 the contemplative branch of the Sisters, in 1979 the Contemplative Brothers, and in 1984 the Missionaries of Charity Fathers. Yet her inspiration was not limited to those with religious vocations. She formed the Co-Workers of Mother Teresa and the Sick and Suffering Co-Workers, people of many faiths and nationalities with whom she shared her spirit of prayer, simplicity, sacrifice and her apostolate of humble works of love. This spirit later inspired the Lay Missionaries of Charity. In answer to the requests of many priests, in 1981 Mother Teresa also began the Corpus Christi Movement for Priests as a “little way of holiness” for those who desire to share in her charism and spirit.
During the years of rapid growth the world began to turn its eyes towards Mother Teresa and the work she had started. Numerous awards, beginning with the Indian Padmashri Award in 1962 and notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, honoured her work, while an increasingly interested media began to follow her activities. She received both prizes and attention “for the glory of God and in the name of the poor.”
The whole of Mother Teresa’s life and labour bore witness to the joy of loving, the greatness and dignity of every human person, the value of little things done faithfully and with love, and the surpassing worth of friendship with God. But there was another heroic side of this great woman that was revealed only after her death. Hidden from all eyes, hidden even from those closest to her, was her interior life marked by an experience of a deep, painful and abiding feeling of being separated from God, even rejected by Him, along with an ever-increasing longing for His love. She called her inner experience, “the darkness.” The “painful night” of her soul, which began around the time she started her work for the poor and continued to the end of her life, led Mother Teresa to an ever more profound union with God. Through the darkness she mystically participated in the thirst of Jesus, in His painful and burning longing for love, and she shared in the interior desolation of the poor.
During the last years of her life, despite increasingly severe health problems, Mother Teresa continued to govern her Society and respond to the needs of the poor and the Church. By 1997, Mother Teresa’s Sisters numbered nearly 4,000 members and were established in 610 foundations in 123 countries of the world. In March 1997 she blessed her newly-elected successor as Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity and then made one more trip abroad. After meeting Pope John Paul II for the last time, she returned to Calcutta and spent her final weeks receiving visitors and instructing her Sisters. On 5 September Mother Teresa’s earthly life came to an end. She was given the honour of a state funeral by the Government of India and her body was buried in the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. Her tomb quickly became a place of pilgrimage and prayer for people of all faiths, rich and poor alike. Mother Teresa left a testament of unshakable faith, invincible hope and extraordinary charity. Her response to Jesus’ plea, “Come be My light,” made her a Missionary of Charity, a “mother to the poor,” a symbol of compassion to the world, and a living witness to the thirsting love of God.
Less than two years after her death, in view of Mother Teresa’s widespread reputation of holiness and the favours being reported, Pope John Paul II permitted the opening of her Cause of Canonization. On 20 December 2002 he approved the decrees of her heroic virtues and miracles

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Give me a reason,
Why I lose...
I always lose because of her and her family...
But she is my best friend..

I can't tell her,
I just pretend I don't know anything.
But it was very hard to do.
I lose in my heart,
I can feel I lose in every time.
She and her family are very strong...
I can't do anything,
I just give up and give up...

Or it just an understanding...
I wish too..
If it really just an understanding,
Mean I didn't lose before...
I still have my friendship and *^&*(....

I know this is a bad luck year,
But I don't wish...
It's too early,
I have to relax and calm down,
Focus one's mind on my homework.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Heart broken....

I saw the true today....
On the stage....
I saw it....
I know this is the true....
I don't want to bluff myself again....

Last time,
I though I am the one who choice others,
But now,
I know the others will choice too...
And this is the conclusion...
When I saw *&%$ was same with *&^%,
I was so afraid...
What I afraid of,
It really happened...
When I saw it,
I was so surprise and sad.

About next year,
I will think about it,
Because I give up.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hate B L!!!

I hate BL!!!
Because she is a selfish and bad girl!!!
Jia's talk:
Jia sits with her because of some problems.
BL always use Jia's gel pen,
And she doesn't want to use her own pen.
Jia's gel pen is very expensive.
BL also always copy Jia's answer.
One day,
Jia doing her home works,
And she only do some question.
When BL saw it,
Said Jia waiting to copy the answer,
But Jia didn't!
BL is the one who copy answer!!
When she saw some boys,
She 睁大 her eyes and look at the boys,
Like 放电.
She always said something bad about us,
有囗说人, 没口说自己.
When somebody are singing,
She will said the person who sing,
Sing very badly!
But it is not very bad!
And always said someone ugly and others.
She told us 13 years old until 18 years old fall in love too young,
But now she told Jia in SSS (Sekolah Seri Suria) fall in love very normal!
Elizabeth's talk:
Last time,
BL bully Teoh and makes Teoh cry.
BL ask us to help her.
But I didn't and Zhi Kei didn't,
I just wait outside the class,
And Zhi Kei just looks what they do.
Jia was in the toilet.
But Elizabeth helps BL,
Because she thinks BL is her friend.
BL took away Teoh's beg and others,
Elizabeth follows her,
But she only took some Teoh's book.
After recess time,
Teoh and all of them back to class room,
And Teoh cry because BL bully him.
Everyone said BL too 过份,
So BL very angry.
But BL blame Elizabeth!
Said Elizabeth took away Teoh's book too 过份!
But BL is the one who start,
She ask for our help,
And now she blames Elizabeth!
She told our friends is Elizabeth fault,
Not her fault!
BL push the duty to Elizabeth,
And said Elizabeth is 幕后黑手!!
I and Zhi Kei saw the true!
Elizabeth didn't wrong!
She still say Elizabeth 大小姐!!
When we hang out,
She said cannot like that!
We know the reason,
Because she can't go.
Zhi Kei's talk:
She always said Zhi Kei bad,
But Zhi Kei change already,
She become good.
BL told Jia Zhi Kei looks ugly and disgusting,
But Zhi Kei look better than her!
She always say Zhi Kei 大小姐 too,
But we think Zhi Kei better than her!
When we talking something,
She will always come near us and ask ' what are your guys talking about?',
So annoying!
When we talk secret,
She want us to tell her.
If not she will angry and said us selfish!
Everyone have their own secret,
Why should us tell her our secret every time?
When we play,
Some time the boys will do something very rude or what.
But we would scold,
Because we are playing,
But BL she will scold and said ' Cannot like that one!',
So annoying!
And when we talk,
She always want to follow us!
She just now how to blame people,
Don't know how to blame herself!
(me) Wei Jia's talk:
BL also say me 大小姐!
When we play badminton,
I can't get the ball,
She will scold me.
But when she can't get the ball,
She blame us!
And always want me to help her,
But she don't want to help me!
My father want me to learn %^&% (secret),
So I tell them.
But she said *&^% just jump, jump and jump,
When finish jumping,
The enemy already beat me.
She said Wu Shu better,
I just agree.
But I, Jia, Zhi Kei and Elizabeth also joined ^&%%,
She go to joined Wu Shu alone,
She is the only girl in Wu Shu.
When the Wu Shu class haven start,
She already exit it.
So I ask,
When she exit Wu Shu what she will join,
She said none of my business!
She said she afraid we will follow her,
So I said we would follow her,
Because we just want to be with our FRIENDS!
She didn't say anything when she heard this.
She told Jia,
We are 华人,
Why go to joined &*%^& .
She still always said *^&%^ (secret. If you want to know, send an email to!
Make me so angry!
When she go break and lunch with her new friends,
I know,
She always look at us,
But we don't care about her.
Our(Wei Jia, Jia Jia, Elizabeth and Zhi Kei) talk:
We hate BL!!
Poor Jia,
Have to sit wit her....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Senior two's boys

Today when I went to school,
Suddenly the van 'BANG!'!
What happen?!
The driver stopped his car in front Seri Murni,
And checked what happen.
He told us what happen to the car,
But I didn't listen,
So I don't know.
I was so afraid,
Afraid I will late to school.
Then he ask us out from the van,
And we stand beside the road.

After a few seconds,
A van came.
But the aunt just brought me and my friends to SSS.
Still waited at there.

When I reached the school,
I walk to my class.
And suddenly some boys shouted at me and said:' Form 1's sohai!' (sohai is bad word),
And I am the one who only at there and form 1. (form 1 mean senior 1)
I just looked toward the top pf the block,
And I saw some boys.
But I didn't care,
Just continue walking.
When I want to reach my class,
I heard someone said that again.
But when I saw my friend,
I didn't hear the sound again...


New school life

I had meet new friends,
Name Jasmine Tan Hui Yee, Chen Jia Yee and others.
Jasmine sit beside me,
Because the first day of school Zhi Kei was late,
So Jasmine sits with me.
My class is Senior 1 Vision,
And Jia Jia and Elizabeth class are Senior 1 Able.
All of my teachers are good.

The first day all of my classmates were very quite,
But now...OMG..So noisy..but not every time la...
I joined volleyball and*^&%#(secret, only my friends know) in ECA.

I go to school with van.
I reach my home about 4.45 pm until 5.00 pm,
My school start on 8.30 am,
End on 3.45 pm.
Two boys that study in SSS too,
Stay near by my home.
One is Senior 2,
Another I don't know.

Break: 10.50 am until 11.15 am,
Lunch: 1.35 pm until 2.00 pm.
I always go to break and lunch with Jia Jia, Elizabeth and Zhi Kei,
Jia Jia and Elizabeth class are just beside me.
Our ECA, break, lunch PJK class and BC class will together.

I like Science and Sejarah,
The teachers were so funny.

All Senior 1 class are at Block B,
But the top of Block B is Senior 2.

This will be my new school life...

Sunday, January 4, 2009



I hate him forever and ever!
Damn him MCB!

Every time he locks my toilet door,
I will go to open it myself.
But sometime I lock he toilet door,
He will scold me and want me to open it.

This time he look my toilet door again,
He also look his room door.
How can I open?
I also don't have the key.
So I knock the door and want him to open it,
But he don't answer me.
When I scream,
He only answers me.
He such an idiot!
He want me to open the door myself,
He thought I am super girl,
Got super power.
I don't care.
I also want him to open it,
So I knock again,
No people answer again.
Then I knock the door many times,
And use something to hit the door,
I also use my leg to kick the door.

After 5 minutes, (I think)
He also hit the door.
I don't care,
I continue hit the door.

So he open the door angrily,
And scold me.
I don't care too.
When the open the door,
And close it back. (BANG!)

I open it. (because he didn't lock it at the second time)
And my turn to lock the door,
I lock his toilet door.
And scold him.


Saturday, January 3, 2009



When I asked him wasn't he ate my KFC breakfast,
he still laughter and said 'ya!',

He ate it last night,
without my permission!
It just left some in the box.

But lucky,
My dad bought me the seafood豬腸粉.
So yummy.


在一个非常宁静而美丽的小城,有一对非常恩爱的恋人,他们每天都去海边看日出,晚上去海边送夕阳,每个见过他们的人都向他们投来羡慕的目光。 可是有一天,在一场车祸中,女孩不幸受了重伤,她静静地躺在医院的病床上,几天几夜都没有醒过来。白天,男孩就守在床前不停地呼唤毫无知觉的恋人;晚上,他就跑到小城的教堂里向上帝祷告,他已经哭干了眼泪。 一个月过去了,女孩仍然昏睡着,而男孩早已憔悴不堪了,但他仍苦苦地支撑着。终于有一天,上帝被这个痴情的男孩感动了。于是他决定给这个执着的男孩一个例外。上帝问他:“你愿意用自己的生命作为交换吗?”男孩毫不犹豫地回答:“我愿意!”上帝说:“那好吧,我可以让你的恋人很快醒过来,但你要答应化作三年的蜻蜓,你愿意吗?”男孩听了,还是坚定地回答道:“我愿意!” 天亮了,男孩已经变成了一只漂亮的蜻蜓,他告别了上帝便匆匆地飞到了医院。女孩真的醒了,而且她还在跟身旁的一位医生交谈着什么,可惜他听不到。 几天后,女孩便康复出院了,但是她并不快乐。她四处打听着男孩的下落,但没有人知道男孩究竟去了哪里。女孩整天不停地寻找着,然而早已化身成蜻蜓的男孩却无时无刻不围绕在她身边,只是他不会呼喊,不会拥抱,他只能默默地承受着她的视而不见。夏天过去了,秋天的凉风吹落了树叶,蜻蜓不得不离开这里。于是他最后一次飞落在女孩的肩上。他想用自己的翅膀抚摸她的脸,用细小的嘴来亲吻她的额头,然而他弱小的身体还是不足以被她发现。 转眼间,春天来了,蜻蜓迫不及待地飞回来寻找自己的恋人。然而,她那熟悉的身影旁站着一个高大而英俊的男人,那一刹那,蜻蜓几乎快从半空中坠落下来。人们讲起车祸后女孩病得多么的严重,描述着那名男医生有多么的善良、可爱,还描述着他们的爱情有多么的理所当然,当然也描述了女孩已经快乐如从前。 蜻蜓伤心极了,在接下来的几天中,他常常会看到那个男人带着自己的恋人在海边看日出,晚上又在海边看日落,而他自己除了偶尔能停落在她的肩上以外,什么也做不了。 这一年的夏天特别长,蜻蜓每天痛苦地低飞着,他已经没有勇气接近自己昔日的恋人。她和那男人之间的喃喃细语,他和她快乐的笑声,都令他窒息。 第三年的夏天,蜻蜓已不再常常去看望自己的恋人了。她的肩被男医生轻拥着,脸被男医生轻轻地吻着,根本没有时间去留意一只伤心的蜻蜓,更没有心情去怀念过去。 上帝约定的三年期限很快就要到了。就在最后一天,蜻蜓昔日的恋人跟那个男医生举行了婚礼。蜻蜓悄悄地飞进教堂,落在上帝的肩膀上,他听到下面的恋人对上帝发誓说:我愿意!他看着那个男医生把戒指戴到昔日恋人的手上,然后看着他们甜蜜地亲吻着。蜻蜓流下了伤心的泪水。 上帝叹息着:“你后悔了吗?”蜻蜓擦干了眼泪:“没有!”上帝又带着一丝愉悦说:“那么,明天你就可以变回你自己了。”蜻蜓摇了摇头:“就让我做一辈子蜻蜓吧……” 有些缘分是注定要失去的,有些缘分是永远不会有好结果的。爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱他。你的肩上有蜻蜓吗?是因为有人在默默的祝福你,因为你也爱你身边的一些人。

Seri Suria

Today I went to Seri Suria for the orientation day.

I wake up early today,
So 8.25 a.m. I already reach the school.
All of my friend haven reaches so I and my brother wait them in front of the hall. (actually I am the one who want to wait them)
After a few min,
Jia Jia reach,
So I, brother and Jia Jia walk in to the hall and have a sit.
Brother and Jia Jia sit beside me,
and we wait my friend patiently. (the 'we' didn't include my brother because he don't know my friend at all)
At last everyone reach and have a sit near by us,
But only one of my super best friend- Elizabeth Pang Shee Nee didn't come.

After Principal, other teachers and staff speech,
We walk to my class.
I thought I and my friends are in the same class,
Because all of my friend's parents had petition for same class with me,
But I didn't same class with them!!!
I just same class with Zhi Kei!!
But lucky got Zhi Kei,
So I sit with Zhi Kei.
All of us very angry,
Because the staff or what had promise us!
See what happen?!

After this,
Teacher bring us walk around the school.

I was so sad can't same class with all of my friends,
But I wish I can same class with them in the language class,
Because our language level all are much neared.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

New clothes

Shopping for new clothes,
New clothes for Chinese New Year,
Chinese New Year for fun and money,
Fun for happy,
Money for shopping (not window shopping),

Size 28
Size M
T girl
Size M

T girl
Size M

T girl
Size M

T girl
Size S
* One more clothe and jacket are washing so I can't take pictures.


from : the body shop
cost : RM 211.80 (guess)
RM 139.00 bigest
RM 49.90 black line
forgot white line
Christmas present 3

from: Action City
cost : RM 14.80
Exam present 1

from :Action City
cost: RM 89.90
Exam present 2

Same with^^^
from: forgot
cost: forgot
Christmas present 1
from: Action City
cost: RM 24.80
Christmas present 2

from :Action City
cost: RM 11.70 all together
RM 4.80 small
RM 6.80 big
Exam present 3

from :Action City
cost : RM 16.90
New Year present 1

from :Action City
cost :RM 9.80
New year present 2

from :Action City
cost: forgot
New year present 3
All present are bought by myself expect *#.


So cool...


And new uniform...

New uniform


Late to say HAPPY NEW YEAR...
New Year Wish: everything back to normal...
Good luck in this year
will get many money in Chinese new year

Something not good happen in the last day of 2008...

The last day of 2008 I was in my home chatting (sms) with my friend,
My mum and dad were sleeping with my sis.

Suddenly my hand phone rang,
My aunt was calling me but wanted to talk with my mum,
So I gave it to my mum...

My mum cried,
And then they changed clothes and went out.

What an alone new year..

13 years old...