Friday, November 7, 2008

Thinking about it

My true best friend is JIA JIA, ELIZABETH , MAG

My best friend also ZHI KEI and BEATRICE, but I don't know can I still believe Zhi Kei and Beatrice.....I doubt about it....I scare.....I don't know I should believe Zhi Kei or Beatrice....

Mag, JJ, Elizabeth please tell me....

Sometime I hate Beatrice.....Cuz many people said something bad about her....
I don't know she really is my best friend or what....
Just have a feeling she change already.....
She become bad........

I hope the true Beatrice will come back.....

And about Zhi Kei......
I don't know what should I do to her.........


☆ MaGd3LyN ☆ said...

Irene say she not ur friend and i ur dear...><

ORANGE said...

what that mean?